Wednesday, June 30, 2010

compound statement expression

wield stuff only for gcc, but useful

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


syntax on
set nu
set ruler
set hlsearch
set cul
colorscheme evening
set vb
cs add cscope.out
set cscopetag
set foldmethod=marker
set tw=80
set ai
set nojoinspaces
set formatoptions=qtcor

"for C programming
ab #i #include
ab #d #define
ab #e #endif
ab #p #pragma
ab #m Min-Hua Chen

"spell check
ab sc set spell
ab nsc set nospell
"ab #c Author(s): xxx
"\Copyright (c) 2008 xxx
"\Permission to copy, modify, and distribute this program is granted

ab #c Author(s): xxx

autocmd BufReadPost *.c set cin
autocmd BufReadPost *.h set cin
autocmd BufReadPost *.pl set cin
autocmd BufReadPost *.cpp set cin
autocmd BufReadPost *.php set cin
autocmd BufReadPost *.py set si
autocmd BufReadPost *.java set si
autocmd BufReadPost *.java set cino+=j1
autocmd BufReadPost *.java set sw=4